Thursday, March 22, 2012

Best $20 I ever spent

After lunch and shopping last week my daughter and I stopped in Teavana to get a cup of tea to go. It's a treat to get  tea to go from Teavana for the ride home after shopping. I've often watched employees make my tea in these interesting teamakers but it never dawned on me to ask if they sell them. Well it turns out they do! I bought one for each of us. Turns out the Perfect TeaMaker really does make perfect tea!
I have often bought loose leaf tea many times and am often disappointed when I brew the tea in my trusty brown betty teapot. It's often too bitter and it seems I can never get it right. With Teavana's Perfect TeaMaker I have been able to make great tea EVERYTIME! I've made green tea, Rooibos, and darjeeling. I find myself drinking tea 4 or 5 times a day. I have an electric tea kettle which allows me to bring the water to the exact temperature which makes a big difference, especially bringing out the delicate flavors of green teas or the robust flavors of rooibos tea blends. I like to add a little german rock sugar when making the flavored rooibos or herbal teas and it seems to enhance the flavors nicely.