Saturday, March 5, 2011

Summers with Nana and Poppy

My parents used to ship us kids down two at a time to visit our Nana and Poppy every summer for a few weeks. Nana always had things lined up to keep us busy. Swimming at the Clubhouse nearly every day was a given! They lived in a golfing community and the house was right on the golf course. We often entertained ourselves with binoculars watching the golfers playing and we all learned to drive Poppy's golf cart.
My great aunt was a nurse in the army so we often got to shop at the BX! The prices were great! I remember finding thee cutest faux fur mini skirt. I had to have it but Nana had her eye on the pumpkin tweed skirt for me. It was very nice, but if I was going to have to pick the faux fur mini was going to win. She tried her best to convince get me to go for the tweed, but my heart was set. She finally relented and bought me both skirts, a win-win for both of us. Sure, I wore both skirts to school that year, but on days I donned the faux fur mini I strutted around like Twiggy on the catwalk.
One year, when I was 11 or 12 Nana had me start copying family recipes down on recipe cards. This was the beginning of my life long love of collecting recipes and cooking. Many afternoons it was on "my agenda" to write recipes down for about an hour. To keep things interesting she sometimes threw me curve balls like the recipes for Elephant stew or Scripture Cake. Below is the recipe for Elephant Stew. I don't think she told me it was a joke right off, she let me figure out that part of the recipe out on my own.
Elephant Stew


1 elephant (medium size)
1 rabbit (optional)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Cut elephant into bite sized pieces; this takes about 2 months. Add enough brown gravy to cover. Cook over kerosene fire at 465 degrees. Serves 3800 persons. For those who dislike elephant stew, the rabbit may be added -- but only if necessary because most people don't like hare in their stew.

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